Soundclip: Brian Simpson

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Got What It Takes to Take Part in SOULNATION FESTIVAL 2008?

JAVA FESTIVAL PRODUCTION is opening the opportunity for young individuals to take part and volunteer in its newest event, SOULNATION FESTIVAL 2008.

You think you got what it takes to be the selected few?

Register at



Echa said...

nanti kerjanya apa aja ya mba kalo jadi volunteer? maklum newbie nih,hihihihi said...

halo echa yang newbie..

pada dasarnya volunteer itu ikut membantu agar acara berjalan lancar; kamu bisa ditempatkan sebagai:
1. media handler
2. photographer
3. petugas di area activity/games
4. petugas di area booth
5. petugas di information center
6. petugas di area merchandise
7. MC

banyak kan pilihannya?
silahkan mendaftar..

(satu hal yang pasti, being a volunteer for soulnation is a great opportunity!)